Tuesday 9 October 2007

One I wrote at work..

'Hand me some paper' she said.
'I need to write this down' she begun to explain.
Startled he looks up & hands her a sheet of A4, plain.
She grabs a biro from the drawer beside her,
and begins to scrawl out the feelings from inside her.
He watches in awe as her tears begin to flow,
tracing the structure of her face, before hitting the paper below.
she lifts her gaze to his, tears still blurring her eyes.
he stays silent; knowing whispering 'i love you' now, would not be wise.
he breaks the bond and lowers his head,
And wishes he'd spoke what he what he hoped to have said
The room falls silent as she holds the pen still
his stomache in knots, he begins to feel ill
her voice is hoarse as she mumbles, 'i'm done',
This is the moment he hoped would'nt come,
She slides the paper towards him, her eyes fixed on the floor,
Hesitantly he takes it, searching her expression for more.
For more meaning behind the words, written upon the page,
For a way to release his heart, from where it's locked up in a cage.
He reads the words she's drawn from her heart,
And thinks of how things were, back at the start.
the days they spent laughing and joking,
the days before she started drinking and smoking,
a dry cough brings him back to current situation,
Allowing his train of thought to leave it's station.
His heart tells him to confront her about what's been said,
As usual he holds back, and just follows his head.
The first to speak, he mutters 'I'm sorry you feel this way.'
Boldy she annonces, 'there's no point asking me to stay.'
Their eyes meet again for a few seconds too long,
He considers asking what it is he's done wrong.
Accepting the fact that she will not change her mind
He takes his chances, and follows his heart this time.
Her face solomn as he gets down on one knee,
His mind silently begging 'please, look at me'.
Right on que she turns her face to meet his
Unsure whether she really wants to hear this,
he whispers 'i love you, and i always will'
She offers a look, and if looks could kill..
Undettered he continues to recite his speach,
Feeling she's slipping further out of his reach.
His heart is lifted as her face begins to soften,
'Winning you back, I don't like doing often.'
She smiles warmly and he smiles too,
She says 'you know how much I do love you'
'So say yes' he pleads, still down on one knee,
'And just what is it you're asking of me?'
'Darling I love you, I'm begging you please,
Spend the rest of your life, here with me.'


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