Friday 3 August 2007

Cancer & Love. Unfinished..

'Why didn't you tell me before?'
She asks him through her tears,
He glances towards the door,
longing to walk away from his fears,
'I didn't think it would get this far.'
His eyes inquiring hers.
She toys with her lip bar,
a movement that often infurs.
She's nervous with uncertainty
he can see it in her movement,
he's just begging that she'll see
he feels as helpless as an infant.
A loud sob brings him back to the present
Her hand is placed guiltily upon her mouth,
She's trying to inquire about his descent
but the simplest of words won't come out.
'How long?' her voice so hoarse he strains to hear,
He steps forward and pulls her in to feel her near,
'They say about two months, but they're always wrong.'
He holds back the tears, knowing he must be strong.
'It's okay to be scared.' she whispers into his chest,
At this he lets out every tear he's tried to repress.
The cancer in his liver is spreading through him,
and he's resentful of the things he's yet to do,
He's so shocked he doesn't even know where to begin.
And somewhat uncertain of what he'll make it through.
He feels the pressure around his waist tighten
as she comforts him through her own pain,
'It's all going to be fine, don't you worry kitten.'
Yet as he says this, his body feels the deep strain.


Another one to the collection..

I'm toying with my jewellery to avoid holding hands,
My head is hanging low, to avoid your demands.
My lips stay sealed so not to say it all wrong,
If I had my way by now, you'd be long gone.

If walking away is this hard
I might as well have stayed still.
If we hadn't drifted this far,
Then more silences would've been filled.

I'm angry at your questions,
and even more at my replies,
These moments aren't the best ones,
And the ones we can't just hide.

Two days without conversation
make our words more angry than before,
Harsh sentances formed without organisation,
Hitting so hard, our hearts fall to the floor.

My mind ablaze with the recent past,
of arguments, doubts and mistrust,
The good times been and gone so fast,
The laughter, play fights, and lust.

The last thread of reconcilliation has finally snapped,
As our limp bodies subside beneath the frayed rope.
The bridges we once built have dissipated and collapsed.
Our constantly beating hearts, no longer able to cope.
