Tuesday 22 May 2007


With every car that passes, there’s a ringing in my ears,
Over a thousand faces behind glass windows I’ll never hear,
The ringing repeats in my head as if to constantly remind
That possibly the most perfect person, has just drove right past my eyes
Maybe the person most suited to me, is thinking of ‘me’ too…
But we both hold out maps upside down and miss each other by miles,
I love the uncertainty; I love the fact that you may hear this line
And wonder if it’s you I’m writing about, or if I had someone else in mind
I’m always on the lookout, for someone to make me change,
To influence my decisions, and help me see the error in my ways.
I know you’re out there listening, even if you can’t hear my song,
A car will pass, your ears will ring, to my melodies, and you’ll sing along
I’ll be stuck in your head as you lie on your bed and write carbon copy lines
But if we both feel the same, are these my lines? Or are they your lines?

If I could conquer you, id lose the spark of this chase
The feeling that you’re so different, yet totally the same
As the diary reaches the end of this year
The pages show me the points I’ve traced
I wonder what you’re doing right now
I wonder where you are right now
It I could conquer you, id lose the spark of this chase

When this receiver rings, I know it’s not you on the line
But for that second of deliberation, between listening to the sound
And picking it up, I pretend to myself that you are there and mine,
Ive imagined myself with you, in hundreds of scenarios
Ive painted a picture of you in my mind
We could have shared a ‘hello’ in a crowded elevator
Or maybe waited for something in the same line
I may never know, but ill never lose hope…
I wonder what colour your eyes are, and if it’ll matter about mine
I’ve fallen in love with a character I’ve created, for lack of a better line
If I could really draw, id spend a day with closed eyes,
Pixelate, create, and memorize every contour of your beautiful face
I’d buy a special pencil, and colour you on my page.
And paste that image to every wall
It’s only then, my little heart, it would break
If I found out you were make believe after all…

Still, id regard the memory, like the fictional characters we loved as kids
But id never rule you out, like a line upon my page
Because you could be as real as this ink,
I never want to miss you, I never want to miss you.
And for that very reason, I promise to never blink.

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